Monday, August 30, 2010

This is the bottom part of my prison, I just added one room on the left hand side.

Week 6 - Prison

I added bridge to the prison room, and I am making the bottom part right now.

I am making a deathmatch map, so I have to balance the level and this is something new for me.
I was thinking just to copy paste the left side to the right side, then I am thinking that it doesn't seems right. So, I will make each part one by one by balancing it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 6

I haven't updated my blog since week 5, since a lot of work to do. Suddenly, I was thinking to make a death match map.

So basically, the map still the prison theme, but I might change the story a little bit. So the goal of this map is to be the winner with like 20 kills or more. The prison was in havoc, all the guards ran away, so they locked in the prison, and the only way to get out is to eliminate all the players to get the key. Player with 20 kills win the match and so on.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

7 Ways of Concept Statement

7 Ways to Create a Concept Statement:

1. Think of the mood you want to communicate, the atmosphere
of your environment? Is it chaos? Isolation?
- It's an isolated place in Zeroth's jungle. From the outside, it doesn't look like a prison but it has some dark, creepy, obnoxious, and evil atmosphere around it. It's always night time in in Zeroth's jungle, it was believed that the witch put some magical spell around the jungle to keep it away from the outsider. Same goes with the feel from the outside of the prison, but inside, the magma from beneath the prison heating in.

2. What is the story of your map? What is the purpose of your
environment that exists right now? What is your map about?
- Simon, our main character, from Glyph race. He embolden to ask for help from Zhi'ka, the high ranked criminal in Blazing Dome. My map basically consists of 4 level in one big level. The purpose of the environment is to give the player the feel of dark scary prison, so it makes the situation become intense.

3. Use descriptive words, adjectives.
4. What is the objective in your map. What is your map’s theme?
- The character needs to go to level 4 or boss level to talk to Zhi'ka and ask him for help to defeat Grodicon. On the way to level 4, Simon are getting some obstacles, like enemies and some little puzzles to get through.

5. Where does it take place? Time period? Location? Season?
- It's in Zeroth jungle and it's midnight.

6. Describe the situation of your environment.
- As I said before.

7. What is the compelling gameplay experience you want the
player to have?
- First, I want the player to experience the feel of the level. Secondly, I want the player not only do the action, they have to solve a little puzzle. Thirdly, It's a first person player, but, each race have different weapons, different skills, so it gives varieties in the gameplay.

Week 2 - Game Level (Sketches)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Week 2 - Research

While I am researching, I found this website very helpful, in terms of giving me some ideas.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Week 2 - Game Level

The level that I am going to make is the Zeroth Prison. So basically, the level is the floating prison, where it has poison lava under it, so the prisoners can't get out from this prison. It has magical barrier around it as well, so it won't give the prisoners to get out easily.

I give some extra features like trees and branches. I want to give the Nature look as well, so it's not that frightening, as what we think the prison is. Even though, it's not that scary, but it keeps all the prisoners afraid of escaping. The trees is not ordinary trees, it has some poison inside it. So whenever the prisoner trying to escape, the trees will spread the poison.

For more information, I'll give some raft sketches on the other post after this

Monday, August 2, 2010

Week 2 - Character Sketch Zeroth

This is the zeroth race. it's half demon half human.

Week 2 - Character Sketch Glyph

This is the Glyph Race sketch, so yeah it's 1/2 human and 1/2 angel.


1st Week - Learning basic UDK and sketch the characters
2nd Week - Making Game Level, Game world, and characters sketch
3rd week - Making Level in UDK (basic shape)
4th week - Making the objects for the level in Maya
5th week - Making the objects for the level in Maya
6th week - Making the level in UDK
7th week - Making the level in UDK
8th week - Making the level in UDK
9th week - Making the gameplay
10th week - Making the gameplay
11th week - Texturing
12th week - Texturing (Complete)
13th week - Playtesting
14th week - Fixing the bug
15th week - Complete everything and make it good
16th week - Finish the product and ready to present

Week 1 - Character Sketches

The first two sketches (Genie and Monkey look-alike), is from the 1st story that I won't use.
I just finished the sketch of robot race, well, I am not a good drawer but at least it gives you some idea how it looks.